[C4D] Tracer Test
課題:エミッターのマテリアル適用方法 水面に当たると波紋かスプラッシュを発生させる。 ※Broadcastでできるかしら:(
Particles Tracer Test from cephalos on Vimeo.
XSI PPG for Cpp
#define READONLY (siReadOnly | siPersistable) #define ANIMATABLE (siAnimatable | siPersistable | siKeyable) static Application app; static Factory factory = app.GetFactory(); ... 他省略 ... XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus hoge_Execute( CRef& in_ctxt ) { Context ctxt( in_ctxt ); CValueArray args = ctxt.GetAttribute(L"Arguments"); // // TODO: Put your command implementation here. CustomProperty oPSet = factory.CreateObject(L"CustomProperty"); oPSet.PutName(L"hoge"); oSel = app.GetSelection().GetItem(0); app.LogMessage(oSel.GetAsText()); Parameter oParam; Parameter txtParam; Parameter btnParam; oPSet.AddParameter(L"Instance", CValue::siString, READONLY, L"", L"", L"instance here.", txtParam); oPSet.AddParameter(L"Count", CValue::siInt2, ANIMATABLE, L"", L"", 0, oParam); oPSet.AddParameter(L"Position", CValue::siInt1, siPersistable, L"", L"", 0, btnParam); PPGLayout oLayout = oPSet.GetPPGLayout(); oLayout.Clear(); oLayout.AddGroup(L"Duplicate"); oLayout.AddItem(L"Instance", L"Target"); oLayout.AddItem(L"Count", 0); oLayout.EndGroup(); CValueArray radio(6); radio[0] = L"Left"; radio[1] = 0; radio[2] = L"Center"; radio[3] = 1; radio[4] = L"Right"; radio[5] = 2; oLayout.AddGroup(L"Position"); oLayout.AddEnumControl(L"Position", radio, L"Change", siControlRadio); oLayout.EndGroup(); // Logic oLayout.PutLanguage(L"JScript"); oLayout.PutLogic(L"LogMessage(\"test\");"); CValueArray wParam(5); wParam[0] = oPSet; wParam[1] = L"Duplicate Item"; wParam[2] = (LONG)siRecycle; wParam[3] = false; CValue retval; app.ExecuteCommand(L"InspectObj", wParam, retval); // // Return a value by setting this attribute: ctxt.PutAttribute( L"ReturnValue", true ); // Return CStatus::Fail if you want to raise a script error return CStatus::OK; }
XSI JScript - Get FCurve
var HogeFCurve = function() { this.init(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // initialize class ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HogeFCurve.prototype.init = function() { this.oPSet = XSIFactory.CreateObject("CustomProperty"); this.oPSet.Name = "Test FCurve Param"; this.oSel = Application.Selection(0); this.oParam = this.oPSet.AddFCurveParameter("TestFCurve"); this.oFc = this.oParam.Value; this.oKey = this.oFc.Keys; try { this._checkSelection(); var fcx = this.oSel.posx.Source; var fcy = this.oSel.posy.Source; var fcz = this.oSel.posz.Source; var datax = this.GetFCurveFromSource(fcx); var datay = this.GetFCurveFromSource(fcy); var dataz = this.GetFCurveFromSource(fcz); this.oFc.SetKeys(datax); LogMessage("x = " + datax + ", y = " + datay + ", z = " + dataz); //this.printInfo(fcx); //this.printInfo(fcy); //this.printInfo(fcz); } catch(err) { LogMessage(err.message); return false; } } HogeFCurve.prototype._checkSelection = function() { if(ClassName(this.oSel) != "X3DObject") { var oPick = PickObject("Select Object"); var oRet = oPick.Value("ButtonPressed"); LogMessage("Result = " + oRet); if(oRet) this.oSel = oPick.Value("PickedElement"); } if(!this.oSel.IsClassOf(siX3DObjectID)) throw "Select or Pick Object."; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // show PPG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HogeFCurve.prototype.show = function() { try { this._checkSelection(); InspectObj(this.oPSet, null, "", siRecycle, false); } catch(err) { LogMessage(err.message); } return this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // @param in_fc Parameter - Source property of KinematicState // @return Array - ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HogeFCurve.prototype.GetFCurveFromSource = function(in_fc) { if(ClassName(in_fc) != "FCurve") throw "You passed me an a(n) " + ClassName(in_fc) + "istead of an FCurve."; data = [] fckeys = in_fc.Keys; for(var i = 0, j = 0, k = 1; i < fckeys.Count; ++i, j+=2, k+=2) { data[j] = fckeys(i).Time; data[k] = fckeys(i).Value; } return data; } HogeFCurve.prototype.printInfo = function(in_fc) { if(ClassName(in_fc) != "FCurve") throw "You passed me an a(n) " + ClassName(in_fc) + "istead of an FCurve."; LogMessage("FCurve for parameter:" + in_fc.Parent); LogMessage("Number of keys:" + in_fc.GetNumKeys()); LogMessage("Is the FCurve begin editing? ..." + in_fc.IsEditing()); data = [] fckeys = in_fc.Keys; for(var i = 0; i < fckeys.Count; ++i) { data[i] = fckeys(i).Value; LogMessage("Key[" + i + "] set at frame " + fckeys(i).Time + " = " + fckeys(i).Value); } LogMessage("data = " + data) } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get current frame of scene. // @return Double - current frame number. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HogeFCurve.prototype.currentFrame = function() { var remote = Dictionary.GetObject("PlayControl"); var cur = remote.Parameters("Current"); return cur.Value; } HogeFCurve.prototype.play = function(in_start, in_loop) { var is_start = in_start || false; var is_loop = in_loop || false; if(is_start) PlayForwardsFromStart(); else PlayForwards(); if(is_loop) SetValue("PlayControl.Loop", true, null); else SetValue("PlayControl.Loop", false, null); return this; } new HogeFCurve().show().play();
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